Nor’easter News is Looking for Writers!

Megan Hall, Arts and Entertainment Editor

Recently, Nor’easter news attended UNE’s annual club fair, an event dedicated to the promotion of all of UNE’s great and multifaceted clubs. This event not only highlights what each club does, but it also allows students to talk about their potential interests with current members, granting students the freedom to choose the clubs that best fit their interests. Even still with the added publicity the fair gave us, Nor’easter News is still scouting out new potential writers!

In order to join our news-team, interested students needn’t be just writers (or writers at all!) We are also looking for people who are interested in photography, communications, event planning and organization, as well as website design. Of course, we would love to welcome more writers—no need to be experienced—as a part of our team, whether your interest be in current affairs, media reviews, or even to recap sporting events, just to name a few!

As a club, we dedicate the majority of our time and effort into creating new and interesting newspaper stories, however we also create and attend many newspaper-related events. Currently, a couple of our writers will be flying to Los Angeles, California to participate in a college newspaper conference! Along with trips like these, Nor’easter News also attends, promotes and hosts many school-wide events throughout the year.

If you are interested in joining, please feel free to stop by at one of our weekly meetings every Thursday at 2:00pm. Our meeting space is located in the student affairs lounge (the hallway in the back, first door straight ahead!) If you are busy during this time, send our Editor in Chief, Morgayne Nash, a quick email, at [email protected].

It is important to note that our club is open to anyone and everyone, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t think you’re a “good writer.” We welcome all students with the same enthusiasm, mostly because we love the Nor’easter news and we want you to as well!