Drew Lynch Hosts a PURRRR-fect Event

Morgayne Nash, Editor-in-chief

With jokes that kept the crowd roaring from start to finish, there is no doubt that Drew Lynch rocked the MPRs on Saturday night.

Lynch is known for taking Runner-up on Season 10 of America’s Got Talent. He has since been spending time acting, writing, and making people laugh all over the country.

Like most of the celebrity visitors to UNE, Lynch had a field day with jokes about Maine. The topic of our mooses came up, as well as Canada, and our snow piles… but the reason that these jokes were so funny is because they were true.

This fact held throughout the night as Lynch pulled jokes from his real life experiences. Most of his jokes were focused on his stutter and situations that have come up due to his disability. By combining these real life experiences with over the top movements and sound effects he was able to not only keep us laughing, but also talk about what it is like to live with a disability.

“I thought it was pretty inspirational that he turned a disability into something to be proud of,” UNE student, Samantha Auriemma stated, “It was cool he was able to laugh at himself.”

His jokes ranged from weenuses and penises, to backpacks and air mattresses. But those in attendance received something more than just a night full of laughter and fun memories. Those in attendance left with a new understanding of what it is like to live with a disability.

Although the night was a success, we still don’t know how Lynch feels about lizards.