The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Beer volcanoes and a stripper factory?


Ashley Bankhead, Student Life Editor

Beer Volcanoes and a Stripper Factory? Sounds like some of the best parts of a utopia. Well for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (CotFSM), it is what we have to look forward to during the afterlife. As a pioneer of what they call “empirical religious movement”, CotFSM prides itself on being a reasonable combination of religion and science.

CotFSM supports the worship of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM), whose followers are known as Pastafarians. It is said that the FSM is responsible for the creation of every aspect of our world and is in charge of maintaining gravity. The CotFSM also boasts a “God Back Guarantee” which includes a 30 day trial period. If at the end of the trial, you are not satisfied with the FSM your previous entity will “most likely take you back.”

The CotFSM also believes that many of the parts of spiritual enlightenment come, not from a literal belief in something, but instead from the community around you. While the CotFSM does have indoctrinated members, they also welcome skeptics, non-believers and even members of other religions into their community.

While many people claim that the CotFSM is merely a joke religion intended to offend others, the Church maintains that they are a legitimate organization. Whether anyone believes in the integrity of the group, it does bring up interesting questions about what we, as humans, consider to be “valid” belief systems. Where is the line drawn? Is there even a line or are all monotheistic religions just as “crazy” as the next?

In the CotFSM’s central beliefs, first and foremost is the idea of a single higher power who is responsible for the workings of the world. Many major monotheistic religions share this same feature. When broken down like this the FSM doesn’t seem nearly as ridiculous.

Next piece: the idea of an afterlife. Whether it’s a Beer Volcanoes and endless strippers or a big set of pearly gates with everyone you’ve ever loved, the idea of an afterlife based on your actions is also common in many religions.

Regardless of individual belief systems, I think it’s important to agree that none should be looked down upon or regarded as any more or less valid than any other religions, spiritualties or even lack of religion or spirituality. In a world that is so divided by religious differences and mentalities I think it’s important to stop and realize that at the end of the day we are all human and deserve to feel validated. Whether or not a person follows a different religion than yourself or even are not religious/spiritual at all, their beliefs and views are just as valid as yours.

Too often I think people get so caught up in defending their beliefs that we stop remembering the purpose of religion/spirituality. They exist, in part, to bring people together with a common way of life and a hope for the future. Even nature-grounded spiritualists, who don’t necessarily recognize a higher power, connect to nature/spirit/enlightenment which connects us all. At the end of the day, particularly now with all the chaos and violence in the world, we need to remember what makes us all the same: we are human.