Miss. Peregrine’s Home for a Bad Director

A Movie Review of Miss. Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children


Loren Beale, A&E Editor

“Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children” is the newest Tim Burton film, released to theaters on September 30. The film is the adaptation of the book series written by Ransom Riggs that came out in 2011. Currently, there are only two books, but a third installment to the series is underway. However, going into the theater without any book background, I found myself extremely unamused despite the creative director. By no means is Miss Peregrine’s a terrible movie, but if you have expectations of a spectacularly quirky Tim Burton film, you will be heavily disappointed.

The movie starts right off with the most Tim Burton moment of the whole film, this lasts a total of two seconds. The instant after the suspense building opening credits, the frame is dropped onto a beach with a Florida sign. This dark and light hearted humor is what makes Tim Burton stand out alongside any other director. The only other sort of Tim Burton bit comes when some Claymation is used for a fight scene between two monsters. Because some of Tim Burton’s most well-known work is animated with clay, this was a nice, but slightly in the face, Easter egg to his past work. The rest of the first half is filled with hallow acting and plot holes, but, intriguing characters and relatively interesting plot. The idea of discovering an entirely new world filled with monsters and special powers is the outline for a truly epic adventure. There were a lot of good aspects the movie just seemed to miss. For example, the time loops are used in an extremely imaginative way by the peculiar children throughout the entirety of the story. Even with this piece of creative gold, the film still somehow proved itself to have a slow pace.

The second half of the movie is spent trying to develop conflict. The director halfheartedly forces the protagonist, Jacob, to become a hero in a matter of seconds which then leads into the most disappointing part of the film. The movie was watchable up until the battle sequence. But, by the time the fight started and the music played, I wanted to leave the theater. The scene proved that no one making this movie cared about what people would think. Honestly, this was the lowest point in Tom Burton’s career as a director. Even amazing directors make mistakes.

In the last three minutes, the movie rushed to pull loose strings together. As if the director knew the audience would be eager to leave the theater, Tim Burton made sure the characters had a place to go and someone to kiss, and the plot was concluded with a tiny bit of cliff hanger to leave room for a sequel. It ended in a manner that was so abrupt and quiche, it made me want to write a strongly written letter to the director asking him were his dark humor went.

Overall, I would not see this movie again, even on an airplane. It is a film meant for young adolescents, but has scenes that I wouldn’t suggest taking a 13 year old to see. If you have read the books or are curious as to what this movie is about, see an early showing or go on Tuesday when the price is discounted. Most importantly, don’t go into this with high expectations. The film makers didn’t care while making this movie, you should care while watching it. Tim Burton should be ashamed to have his name in this movies credits.