Get Ready to do the Time Warp Again!

UNE Players Prepares for Rocky Horror Picture Show


Ashley Bankhead, Student Life Editor

He’s just a sweet transvestite from transsexual Transylvania! That’s right Nor’easters! Rocky Horror is coming straight to UNE’s Campus Center!

In the spirit of Halloween, Director Miranda Hall and a wonderful handpicked cast are running a live showing of Jim Sharman’s Rocky Horror Picture Show. Even if you’ve seen the movie, a live showing is a whole different experience! The event includes an interactive take on the classic movie.

Prior movie experience or none, those of us who haven’t seen the live show are considered “virgins”. Fortunately for us, Playbill was kind enough to produce a Virgin’s Guide to Rocky Horror Callouts. It’s good to remember that every live version of Rocky Horror Picture Show is different from every other version. They all use different call backs. At the end of the article are links to more call back versions. From start to finish the guide outlines all of the interactions and sassy callbacks throughout the show.

In preparation for the event, Nor’easter News interviewed the director of UNE Players Rocky Horror Picture Show, Miranda Hall about her show.

What is your favorite part of the show? Minimal spoilers!

My favorite part of the show definitely has to be how willing everyone is to make a fool of themselves! That’s what it’s all about!

Do you have any advice for “virgins”?

Advice for virgins? Hmmm I can’t really give any, it ruins the fun for the returners! Just be up for anything!

What has been your favorite part about running this show?

My favorite part about running the show is getting to “choreograph” the scenes.

Why Rocky Horror?

Rocky Horror is a tradition on this campus, last year we broke tradition because everyone in the players was so busy and I’m glad to be the one bringing it back!

What is your favorite callback?

My favorite callback? Hmmm I’ve got to go with the classic, Janet is a slut and Brad is an asshole.

Who’s your favorite character?

My favorite character is Dr. Frank-N-Furter! He’s such a dynamic character!

Favorite song?

My favorite song is a tie between Rose Tint and Sweet Transvestite!

Favorite Frank-N-Furter moment/quote?

My favorite Frank moment has to be sweet transvestite when he stomps down the runway!!

What are your thoughts on the new movie remake?

I am wicked excited about the remake! I cannot wait to see it!


On October 20th a new remake of the original movie, cleverly titled The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let’s Do The Time Warp Again, will be released. Trailers for the new movie can be seen here on imbd. The new cast includes Laverne Cox as Dr. Frank-N-Furter, Tim Curry as the Criminologist, Victoria Justice as Janet, and Ryan McCartan as Brad. Watch the show and practice your callouts just in time for the UNE show!

If you can gather the courage (and a pair of fishnets), be sure to join the UNE Players on Saturday, October 22 from 11pm-1am in the Campus Center Gym for UNE’s Rocky Horror Picture Show!