Student Spotlight: Chloe Eisenhaur

Loren Beale, A&E Editor

Chloe Eisenhaur is UNE’s famed Zumba instructor. She danced for 10 years, ages 3-13 at a local studio. She was a part of their clogging competition team; however, Chloe also took classes in hip hop, ballet, jazz, and Irish step. She started attending Zumba classes as a freshman at Roanoke College. After a year, she decided to become a licensed instructor and began teaching at Roanoke. When she left Roanoke, Chloe knew she wanted to continue teaching, “I loved it so much so before the Fall 2015 semester started I got in contact with the person in charge of cardio club and my classes were added to the schedule!”

During Fall 2015, Chloe was teaching to 3-4 students and her largest class size was 6 people. She eventually had to discontinue her classes because no one was showing up. Since that first semester, she has seen attendance sky rocket. Just this past week she had 40 students in class! “In a year, I hope to see Zumba classes grow and break 50 participants per class. Beyond Zumba though, I hope fitness at UNE continues to grow. I would love to see more students become involved with UNEFit by teaching and attending classes.”

Chloe was just recently accepted into UNE’s College of Dental Medicine, so in the Fall, she will start classes at the Portland campus. After graduating dental school, she hopes to be a part of the National Health Service Corp and work as a dentist in rural/underserved populations. Further down the road, Chloe would love to continue her education and specialize in oral surgery. She does not plan to continue teaching, but may attend classes with her friends for fun every once in a while.

Zumbathon was a huge event. The next Zumba event will be Chleo teaching a class again this year during Relay for Life, which is Disney themed! “I am wicked excited for that and Zumba is always happening during the week.” Classes are on Tuesday from 8:00-9:00pm in the racquetball court, Wednesday/Thursday 7:00-8:00pm in the MPRs, and Saturdays from 10:00-11:00 am in the MPRs. In addition to Zumba, UNEFit has a wide variety of classes this semester that haven’t been offered previously such as Metabolic Blast, Barre, Yoga, Spinning, and Bootcamp. The next large fitness event on campus will be in April and that is Grit ‘N Wit. This obstacle course attracted a couple hundred students last year and is a mix of metal and physical challenges spread across UNE’s campus.

Chloe is a big fan of the Zumba shuffle, and her favorite song is called La Campana. It’s fun and upbeat, however Danza Kuduro is another favorite of hers. “My favorite thing about Zumba is how happy it makes everyone. Every single class, people are laughing with their friends, sweating, and genuinely having a great time, all while working out. On a more personal level, I love when people come up to me afterwards and tell me how Zumba is the highlight of their day and how much they look forward to it after a long, stressful day of classes. The great thing about Zumba is that it accommodates all levels. You don’t have to be a superstar dancer to enjoy it.”

Any questions or comments regarding Zumba or UNEFit can be directed my way!

[email protected]

also, like the UNEZumba // UNEFit Facebook pages J