I joined the Nor’easter News and this is how it went…

ACP Conference – San Francisco, California
April 21, 2017
The summer going into sophomore year I read a post asking for write for UNE’s newspaper Nor’easter News. Being a huge wanna-be movie buff, I was excited to join and write about my favorite movies! The club is simple: write an article a week on any topic of your choosing, send it to the editor, and wait for it to be posted. The best part is that all active writers of the club get to go to conference in San Francisco! It was a win-win. I asked my friend to join and together we attended the weekly meeting a wrote about things we felt strongly about.
I really enjoy being apart of this club because I got to contribute to the university. I wrote an article about Decary and I felt it helped our students voice be heard. It was also nice to create connection in the Campus Center and around the school through interview. I got to meet one on one with UNS’s staff to find out about snow days. I know more about the school because of Nor’easter News.
By far the highlight of my entire semester was getting an all paid trip to California to better my write skills. I had such a fun time with my three other peers running around San Francisco, and I definitely feel like I am a stinger writer now. We learned how to make connections and run efficiently despite a small size, and that politics are best to be stayed away from. While in the city, my friends and I say Pier 39, China Town, and Little Italy. We also took a boat tore around Alcatraz and under the Golden Gate Bridge. It was truly and unforgettable weekend.
Being a part of this club has changed me, as a writer and as a person. I am a better student become of Nor’easter News with more friends and more connections then I have ever had at this school. I am constantly in the know with this club and I love it. If you feel this campus needs a voice, Nor’easter News is always looking for new writers.