If UNE Students Were Animals

A week as a UNE students… told by animals…

Only a few weeks into the semester and you are already feeling the stress of college. The University of New England challenges its students to take on every day of the week. Here are the highs and lows explained by animals:

It’s Sunday night and your roommates won’t leave you alone.

And you wake up Monday morning realizing it’s Monday morning.

Then slowly making your way to class because you really don’t want to go.

Waking up on Tuesday just to struggle even more.

Trying to be motivated on Wednesday but failing because it’s only hump day.

And then eating your problems away at Decary on Thursday because that’s when the food doesn’t completely suck.

But, making it to Friday is reason enough to celebrate!

And you can dance your way through Saturday because you have no responsibilities,

but then you realize it is Sunday afternoon and you haven’t done any of your three essays, two group projects, or six quizzes yet…

But it’s okay, you got this, you’re a college student after all!  ?