One Month At Disney

The Disney College Program

One month into the program, how do I feel? Not that different actually. I mean, I’m tiered but that’s usual. I miss my pets and friends, but that happens at UNE. I guess the big difference from college and Disney is that I’m getting paid for all my hard work. So far I have saved $450 and have spent the rest on food, rent, and some merchandise. Whoops. I am more than halfway done with my class and feel I have learned a lot about ways I can grow as a leader.

I unfortunately no longer work at the Safaris. Due to my tendency to get burned when exposed to small amounts of sunlight, Disney moved me to Mouse Gear in Epcot. I was extremely sad to leave my job in Africa, I will miss it dearly. But at least I can say I did it and I will always have the memories of driving that safari truck.

Epcot is a much better place to work than Animal Kingdom. Let me tell you. Epcot is organized, has an understandable layout, and everything is right there when you get off the bus! Animal Kingdom is a literal jungle, I got lost so many times. It’s a relief to be somewhere that I can navigate.

Working retail is really strange. I had to take multiple classes on what to do and what not to do while working in a Disney store, along with how to work a register, and merchentainment (entertaining with the stores merchandise to get people to want to buy stuff and make magical moments). It isn’t hard, yet, unlike driving a thirty foot long truck. It’s so much less stressful and relatively easy. As long as you’re being nice and getting the work done, you’re doing it right. Easy money I hope!

My thing is…. if I’m not doing what I love then I’m just doing it for the cash. So why work something hard if I’m not going to love it. Mouse Gears is that happy medium. Now that I am in merchandise, I can work any shop on property as long as it doesn’t sell alcohol because I need more training for that. I hope I can go work at the Star Wars stores at least once, I kinda want to see if I can trade all my shifts at Mouse Gear for shifts that are at smaller shops. It’s fun to be busy but I know I am going to want a day of two that I can just zone out. I like it a little less here since they moved me, but I’m going to make it work. I have five more months left, I’m sure it will fly by just like this past one has. I plan to make even more friends at my new job and make more money and create even more memories. Only time will tell how I do in retail. Fingers crossed I can make it fun!