My Disney Class

The Disney College Program

I completed the Disney seminar class about leadership! I have the certificate and everything. I feel I have bettered my skills in communication and problem solving. I wish we had gone into me detail about what makes someone a good leader, but we only had two hours a week. It is understandable we just skimmed the surface.
Some of my roommates have taken classes too. Unlike my class which was a seminar, theirs are longer and go on field trips to parks of the park, back stage of shows, and even some resorts.
I do want to take another one that won’t be too much of my time. They are enjoyable but I am not earning credit for them. They best part is that you cannot work and have class on the same day, so you are almost promised two days off in a row, the same days every week. Which doesn’t seem like much, but it is.
Other new things outside of finishing my class; I turned 21, one of our roommates switched apartments, and merchandise is a fantastic role. But that’s an article for another day. I haven’t been able to make it to any other housings events since I started work, which is lame because they have some great ones planned! There was a welcome party a few weeks ago, themed grocery bingo twice a month, and a High School Musical themed pool party is happening soon! I certainly am staying busy.
It is very busy at the parks due to spring break, but I get to see my friends! A bunch of people I know from home and school have been able to visit me at work and around the parks on my days off. I’m not home sick but the familiar faces really brighten my day.
I am sure that by the end of March I will have a solid understanding on how Mouse Gear operates, and I will be a merchandise wiz. Until then!