Spring Semester Launch!

Welcome back! I meet with a few students and asked them how they were feeling about the new semester, and how they thought last semester went. Good luck and have a great rest of the semester!

How are you feeling about this semester? 

“I’m feeling very hopeful that all my classes are going to go great, and that I really enjoy them.” 


Is there anything you’re nervous about?

“I’m really nervous about working with children in my education class, but I’m still excited about it. Also, about giving presentations; they always make me really nervous.” 

How do you think last semester went?

“Overall last semester went pretty well, I didn’t fail any of my classes, which was a relief.”

– Julia Smiley, Freshman

How are you feeling about this semester? 

“Pretty good, my classes are pretty easy so far. I’m confident that this semester I will be able to keep up with my work.” 

Is there anything you’re nervous about?


“I am nervous about lacrosse season starting, and how I will balance that with all my school work. Also, my art class is a little harder than I thought it would be.”

How do you think last semester went?

“For last semester, I thought it went really well in the beginning but, towards the end, the classes were harder and the material was more complicated. Overall I enjoyed everything else about last semester, and I passed all my classes which was so exciting.”

– Anonymous

How are you feeling about this semester? 

“Personally, I’ve really enjoyed the snow days and my classes are going well so far. I don’t know why, but everyone just seems nicer this semester, and the vibes are already better than the fall semester.”

Is there anything you’re nervous about?

“I’m definitely nervous about trying to keep my grades up; not as nervous as last semester now that I understand the lay of the land and have established a good routine.”

How do you think last semester went?

“Last semester was pretty good, honestly it could have gone better but overall it was good.”

– Ashley Bussell, Freshman