Senior Reflections: the Good, the Bad, and the Eh

Caroline Saban and Caroline Saban

When I decided to graduate a year early, I never thought I’d be sad about never doing homework again. I mean, I definitely am over the moon about never cracking open another textbook, reading one monotonous page after another, taking notes, studying, writing papers, and endless nights at the library. But, with the semester winding down, I realized that there is a part of me that will miss it.

These are the final days that I’ll be doing any of it. Soon, I won’t be studying with my friends, complaining about the chapter we had to read with my classmates, worrying about what grade I got on the test I stayed up all night studying for, walking across the hall or driving five seconds down the road to hang out with my friends, or taking the view on this campus for granted as I run to class because I’m late.

This recent realization has made me that much more grateful for the past three years. You don’t know what you have until it’s gone, right? And that has made me reflect even deeper on my college career.

Even though my college career is one year shorter than most, I have grown more than I ever thought I would. Freshman year everyone learns that stranger danger apparently no longer applies once you hit a certain age. The whole living with strangers in a tiny square room takes care of that real quick. Living with strangers is also one of the best parts of college. You learn so much about yourself and all your little quirks you never noticed before. You learn what kind of person you are and how to work with individuals you barely know. Overall, college taught me to use my voice, keep on open mind, learn from others’ opinions, listen more than you speak, and appreciate all the small things. It’s cliché but college is the time to discover who you are and grow to be the person you want to be.

So, here is some advice for those of you still not graduating, especially you rising seniors. Enjoy every last second. All of it. Every stressful night, every test you have to study for, every stack of homework that sits in front of you. Enjoy you’re fatigue from long nights of laughing with your friends or from telling Netflix yes when you know you should say no. The normal, average days won’t be very memorable, so make the most of the time you have left. Before you know it, you’ll be in your final week of classes, preparing for finals, and trying to get ready for the real world all at once.