Stay Healthy During Finals Week!

Carly Emond and Carly Emond


It’s no secret that dieting isn’t always the most successful means for one to shed those extra few pounds, so before you toss pasta to the wind or jump on board with some of those wacky dieting fads, keep reading!
These tips will help naturally train your body to burn calories more quickly and efficiently without displacing your favorite sweets and treats, and no, this isn’t too good to be true!

1) Build up Muscle!
Muscle might weigh more than fat, which can be a little deceiving when you start gaining weight after you’ve hit the gym for a straight week, but it burns energy even when you’re sitting or laying down. The average thirty-year-old woman who trains 30-40 minutes twice a week will increase her resting metabolism by 100 calories a day, so work it out folks, every little bit helps.


2) Work out a little harder!

The next time you do your cardio workout, increase your intensity for just only 30 second intervals and then return to your normal speed. Your cells will have to burn more sugars and fats to power these fast bursts of speed and your glutes will thank you for it.


3)Make room for more omega 3’s!

Omega-3 fatty acids balance blood sugar and help reduce inflammation, which makes sure that your body gets a steady supply of the nutrients it needs in the right amounts. A few examples of foods high in Omega-3’s are Salmon, walnuts, broccoli, and many seeds and oil.


4) Drink green tea!
Green tea is full of antioxidants which help improve circulation and reduce cholesterol. Recently, researchers have been finding that the active ingredient, catechin, may also increase your basal metabolic rate, so drink up.


5) Don’t slash calories!

This piece of advice may go against everything you know about dieting, but contrary to popular belief, if you cut out too many calories, your body assumes there isn’t enough sustenance available and stops burning fat in order to conserve energy.


6) Eat breakfast!

Eating a nutrient-rich morning meal, within the first hour of getting out of bed literally wakes up your metabolism. Oatmeal, almonds, and whole-wheat toast are great and healthy choices.


7) Eat healthy snacks throughout the day!

Snacking throughout the day may come along with a negative connotation, but if those snacks are fruit, vegetables, and other health foods, you will feel fuller longer and as a result can help you consume fewer calories overall.


8) Avoid Trans Fats!

Trans fats slow down your body’s ability to burn fat and can also lead to insulin resistance and inflammation, symptoms associated with Type 2 Diabetes.


9) Go organic!
Non-organic foods may contain pesticides that block your metabolism by interfering with your thyroid, an organ that determines how fast your body runs.


10) Protein, protein, protein!
Your body digests protein slower than it does fats or carbs, so you feel full longer, which is especially true when you have protein-rich foods for breakfast!
Looking good is only as important as feeling good, so no matter the circumstance, remember to love yourself !