Captain’s Corner: Finn Ducker

Nikita Naumowicz, Staff Writer

Finn Ducker is in his senior year here at UNE where he’s majoring in Applied Exercise Science. For the past four years Finn has been a member of the UNE men’s soccer team, and is currently a captain alongside Tyler Garnick. With graduation fast approaching and the season heading to a close, one thing that won’t change Ducker says is, “I’ll always be a student of soccer”. Finn started playing soccer around the age of four in England, where he’s originally from. There, Finn experienced that soccer was like lifeblood. When he moved to Maine with his family he remembers that they distinctly brought along with them their love of soccer, and continued to live and breathe the sport. Finn is a two-time state champion and a three-time player in the regional tournaments for soccer.

Of the team Finn is enthusiastic, “Half of our team is first years, which is awesome. They’re all great guys who want to be good teammates and help one another get better and get better themselves.” The team is coached by Peter Oestegaard, who also moved to Maine from abroad, coming from Denmark. Osetegaard has been coaching the team since Finn was a sophomore and has been able to see the team grow under his guidance, “Everything you could ask for in a coach, he brings.”

Last year the team finished 8 out of 10 in their conference, but their record showed more of their success ending the season with 9 wins, 7 losses, and 2 ties. As far as this season goes, the boys aren’t doing as well as they wanted. Finn doesn’t chalk this fact up to a young team, as he sees the dynamics between all of the players are strong. Finn himself plays center back, which is primarily a defensive position. When asked what his signature move is, Finn explained that defensive positions usually don’t get flashy with trick moves, and I nod in agreement relieved that I no longer have to Google search a move in the event he had named one.