UNE Gets Its Swag Back!

Morgayne Nash, Editor-in-chief

Spring Semester 2016 started out with a bang, literally. With weekend events including both men and women’s hockey games, fireworks, ice dancers, and Lee Dewyze, UNE students had a start of the semester celebration like no other.

In the recent past University of New England students got to look forward to only a few major events during the year. Along with the few Thursday night events like magicians and comedians, bigger events included the staples of Spring Concert, Semi Formal, Dance of the Damned, and the freshman oriented Clash Bash. But this semesters schedule looks jam-packed with events that seem bigger and better than the UNE usual.

Why did UNE all of a sudden pump up the fun factor? Introducing the new Interim Director of Student Activities, Michael Miller!


What specifically do you do here at UNE?

Miller: Work with the staff and students to think about and create new, large-scale programs that attract large numbers of UNE students at once – and to reap, for the UNE Community, the excitement and feeling of unity that these programs bring. You’ll note that every few weeks there’s a large program planned: the “Big Blue Bang” Athletic Events and Fireworks is an example. It’s a cool position to be in because we in Student Activities get to engage with other departments and Clubs and Organizations to help to make these things happen. We’re looking at all sorts of things to create “hoopla” and to engage students and the rest of the community to create traditions and intense pride in UNE. Also, I am helping the department review marketing and promotion efforts, so that there are exciting and fun ways for students to know what’s happening on campus! In addition to those things, I perform some of the supervisory functions in the department and am reviewing the structure, job descriptions and office functions to help make sure that we are positioned to give the students the best co-curricular and leadership experience we can!

How did you end up at the University of New England?

Miller: Initially, I was hired to do a day-long strategic planning session with the Student Activities & Organizations staff for a day in Portland. Since the University is committed to hiring the best full time director of student activities & organizations, we decided to wait until the spring (the best time to search) so the leadership in student affairs figured out how I could come in and help out. It has been my pleasure to be here – I love working with the Student Activities and Organizations staff – and everybody in Student Affairs including my boss Jen DeBurro. I have to say that everyone has been helpful and supportive in making things happen – and that President Ripich has championed all of the exciting things that are happening. And, of course the students here are TERRIFIC!!!!

Do you work with other schools as well?

Miller: Yes! I speak and work at anywhere from 80 to 100 colleges and universities depending on the year all over the United States – and even Canada! It’s crazy because I travel 300 nights a year – I live in Chicago – but I only spend about 65 nights a year there!! Lots of frequent flyer miles and hotel points!!

What events this semester have you helped create?

Miller: I worked with the staff to look at developing six or so “signature programs” for this semester – so that every 2 to 3 weeks there’s a large event that will engage 500 or more students at once. This is a way to support the very important work that clubs and organizations do as well as the larger things that excellent groups like APB and RSLA do. The Big Blue Bang with Fireworks is one of them and don’t forget the traditional Doc Samuels Talent Show at the Biddeford City Theater on February 19. You’ll see the Grit and Wit 5K on April 17th (start training now!) and the Portland Sea Dogs Trip in the spring for 500 of us to attend on April 29th. This is in addition to the APB sponsored “Swanky Semi Formal” at a surprise location off campus on March 4 and their Annual Spring Concert on April 30 – the Band will be announced at the Paint Party on February 6!! We’re so excited to present these new programs and so thankful to APB and the other organizations who are supporting and advancing our efforts at new and larger programs. Also, we owe our Assistant Dean, Jen DeBurro big kudos because she was able to help us find the finding to make the events happen! We’ll be looking to work with APB, RSLA, the USG, the Councils and other organizations to plan these large events for the fall and spring next year – so please, if anyone has new ideas or wants to get involved they should contact the Student Activities & Organizations office.

Can club officers meet with you while you are on campus to discuss events for their club?

Miller: Absolutely: even though my time is limited on campus and I am not here every day – I am available day and night while I am here – so please – stop by or email me at [email protected] to set up a time to get together. Of course, EVERYONE in the Student Activities & Organizations office is available to help as well.

Do you have any advice for the smaller clubs on campus about how to create an amazing event?

Miller: YES!! First they should remember “less is more.” In other words – don’t try to do EVERYTHING – be specific and clear on the goal of the program. Also, plan events based on your mission – in other words the best thing any group can do is to develop something exciting for UNE that stems from its core purposes. Also, organizations should consider from the beginning, while they are developing their activity idea, how they will market or publicize their event. We often worry about promotion at the end; however, a group will have more success (and better attendance) if it thinks about publicity FROM THE BEGINNING. Finally, you don’t need a lot of money to do excellent things so figure out what you want to do first. Then, should you need resources or support, your USG (Undergraduate Student Government) and your Student Activities & Organizations office is available to consult with in order to figure out resources. They can’t always give you funds; however, they can provide support and ideas that might help you proceed with your plans.