UNE’s Phishers Are Back



During the past month, we’ve all been settling into a new routine. Everyone is struggling to varying degrees to find normalcy during the worldwide pandemic. Including scammers.


UNE has had its fair share of phishing scammers looking to score in the ocean of students and staff. In fact, it’s been a major ongoing issue within the university. Countless UNE affiliates including students, faculty, and staff, have all been affected.


According to IT, after another incident that occurred at the beginning of the semester, new measures were put in place to stop the scams. But was it enough?


Evidently not, as the phishers have returned to the sea for more catch. Recently, a new wave of phishing nets has been cast. Emails from a “Mrs. Evelyn Tatum, Business Analyst” have been sent seeking a “personal assistant” for $300/week. 


While these scams are elaborately planned, it’s clear that the phishers did not go overboard with the creativity; this is the same ruse that was used just three months ago under a different alias.


UNE students and staff beware. To make sure you don’t fall prey, best practices suggest reporting any suspicious emails to ITS immediately.


*Please note, if you receive any suspicious emails report the incident(s) immediately to ITS*