Possible Class Scheduling Changes to Come in 2022

Recap of USG’s March 4th meeting on what you need to know.

USG 3/4 Meeting


This week’s meeting of the Undergraduate Student Government brings about a series of matters that will be relevant to the entire student body. Dean of Students, Jen Deburro came to discuss matters relating to COVID 19 measures and major updates to scheduling and student organization. Other relevant matters of the week include the Capitol Project and the Winter Carnival.

Student Life

  • According to Jen Deburro there will be school-wide curriculum and scheduling changes. 
    • Recently the School of Art and Humanities was created, now holding Communications, History, English, and Art.
    • In addition to the curriculum changes, there is a planned scheduling change to take place in either Spring or Fall 2022
    • This change plans to shift away from the current array of 50 minute, 1 hour 20 minute, and three-hour classes to a standardized block system. More information to come on that soon. 
    • The intent is to create fewer confusing schedules and greater opportunity for club involvement during the day. 
    • It was also emphasized that scheduling changes aim to raise student retention by placing more classes on Fridays and more reasons to stay on campus during the weekends.
  • Also coming up on USG’s agenda is the capital project. This is a major project undertaken by USG to improve the school in a way that the student body can feel. As this will affect the student body, a form has been created where students can put suggestions for the capital project, or what changes they would like to see at the school. Follow the link below to make your voice heard.


  • Issues has been raised by faculty and resident advisors regarding students not properly masking. There has been no punishment created for mask-related offenses, but due to the volume of offenders, stricter avenues for reform are being discussed. UNE requires the wearing of a mask that covers the mouth and nose on campus and in all buildings. Don’t get in trouble for this. Keep your fellow students and faculty members safe.

Resolutions and Allocations

This week a budget request was granted to a newly created club, the Female Athlete Alliance.

  • The funds will go towards getting the Female Athlete Alliance off to a strong start.
    • The Female Athlete Alliance aims to promote gender equality in sports through education and community outreach.
    • Resources allocated will be used for general bookkeeping supplies, a Kahoot event with prizes, and speakers to discuss issues relevant to the club.
    • It’s likely these speaking events will be open to all students, possibly through Zoom.


  • Another motion was put forward with the objective of supporting the Winter Carnival. This event will take place during the week of March 15th. The motion allows club leaders to receive funding to set up booths at the event.
    • The measure will allow any club to request funding for a display at the Winter Carnival.
    • This is done with the intent to provide an opportunity for clubs to interact with the student body and promote themselves.
    • An email will be going out to club leaders with more information.


Remember to take some time and consider the positive changes you think could be made at the school, and reach out through the linked survey. The intent of student government is to provide a forum where the student body can get involved with what happens on campus and are always looking for ways to better represent that student population.