Shelter In Place Q & A

On Thursday UNE’s entire student body was placed under a shelter in place order, notified via an email from UNE Student Affairs. This email was sent at 12:15, giving students until 2:00 to accommodate themselves for a week of quarantine. Many students found out earlier, notified by RA’s and teachers. 

It still came as a surprise to most, with panicked people grabbing as much food from the dining hall and Windward as they could carry, whipped into a frenzy by the sudden announcement and feeding off the anxieties of one another. This matter is a complicated and confusing one, so here are some of the common questions asked by the student body, answered.

Shelter in Place order Q&A

Does the shelter in place order mean I have to stay in my room?

Yes, from now until Wednesday students are being told to quarantine at home or in their rooms, limiting interaction with other students and only leaving your room to get meals.

What if I don’t live on or left campus?

Students are still being told to quarantine for the duration and will require a COVID-19 test 72 hours before returning to campus and scheduling a test upon return, similar to the procedures followed at the start of this semester.

Can I leave campus to go buy essentials?

No, students should only leave campus if they are acquiring medication.

Will food be delivered?

Only to the hotels as they don’t have access to on-campus dining which will be continuing service.

Can I go for a run or walk?

No, due to the shelter in place order.

Can I do my laundry?


Can I take out my trash?


What if I’m vaccinated?

Vaccinated students still must obey the shelter in place order.

Can I receive disciplinary actions for breaking these rules?

Yes, this has been happening and will continue to happen.

Are parking lots and card access being monitored?

No, but any students caught breaking the shelter in place order will be subject to punishment.

What about in-person labs and exams?

There will be no in-person labs or exams during this period.

Are my professors supposed to set up Zoom meetings during class times?

Professors can choose whether or not to have online meetings, synchronous and asynchronous learning are both acceptable methods for this period.

Can I leave to go get vaccinated?

You can leave to get vaccinated if you have a scheduled appointment.

How many cases will it require for everyone to get sent home?

This step is being taken to prevent what happened last year. If cases do continue to rise then further considerations will be made.

I hope this answers a few questions that you may have had. Stay safe and help the student body get through this together.