Relay for Life Recap!
This past Saturday, March 26th, the annual UNE Relay For Life Event was held in the campus center gym and track to raise money for cancer research and to spread awareness amongst the student body.

Luminaria Bag
Members of the student body got together in the campus center gym to spread awareness for cancer and raise money for research. Many teams were formed to fundraise for this event including the UNE Scholars, Education Club, Cancer Knockers, and more. Students were also able to participate on their own without being part of a team.
For the four hours this event was held, 5pm to 9pm, there were a lot of activities to participate in. Tables were filled with a variety of different food from pizza, donuts, and baked goods that were donated by Panera. Around the campus center gym, there were games such as cornhole, giant connect four, and spikeball that could be played. Every hour there were also minigames that ranged from Kahoots to cup stacking. There was another table where students could dedicate a Luminaria to a loved one who passed away due to cancer, who is battling, or who has overcome it. These Luminarias would be used later in the Luminaria ceremony.
The Luminaria ceremony is a candlelit moment of silence to pay homage to loved ones who have fought the battle against cancer. Each of the Luminarias are lit in remembrance of those whose lives have been impacted by cancer. This was followed by a glow stick-lit walk around the track in silence. This was a very powerful and heartfelt moment that highlighted the fact that no one is going through the fight against cancer alone.
The main part of the event took place on the track where students were walking laps. With every lap that was completed, the participants got a bead to add onto a bracelet. Participants were able to walk at their own pace and with friends. Every 12 laps around the track equals one mile.
One student, Sophomore Harrison Stern, walked a total of 100 laps over the course of the event!

We also spoke to one of the event managers, Carolyn Nevin, about what Relay For Life means to her.
“I’ve been involved with relay since I was in 2nd grade. My papa, my dad’s father, was diagnosed so my family started a team. Sadly, my Papa did pass away. My Aunt is a survivor. Since then my family has moved away from the rest of my family in Illinois. I wanted to keep this tradition alive even though we were away from our family that it impacted. I just think it’s important to recognize that everyone is truly affected by cancer. I wanted to do this event to bring awareness and raise money for cancer and to support a good cause.”
“Thank you to those that came to support, and to The Bolt for helping me promote the event!”
Thank you for all that participated and donated towards this amazing cause. In total, $2,465 was raised in support of cancer research. To learn more about the Relay For Life events at UNE, you can check out their Instagram page @unerelay. You can also get involved at their meeting on Tuesdays at 5:30pm in ACHS 106.
Not Harrison • Apr 3, 2022 at 6:09 pm
Cool event, I really enjoyed going. Carolyn did a great job ?