Emily Henry: Books for the Warm Weather

The weather is starting to heat up in Maine! Are you looking for a book to take with you down to the beach? Or a book to read while simply sitting out in the sun? Then look no further, Emily Henry’s books are some of the best novels to get you ready for the summer mood.

photo from https://www.insider.com/books-for-fans-of-beach-read-enemies-to-lovers-books-2021-8

First Up: Beach Read

This book needs to be thrown in your tote bag for a trip down to the beach immediately! It follows the characters January and Gus. After January’s father passes away, he leaves her a beach house in his will. However, January has no desire to stick around in the house as it was used for her dad and his mistress. Her only goal is to clean it out and sell it. You may be asking, “What makes this book so good?” January is a writer, and with her writer’s block hitting an all new high, she decides to settle in the beach house in order to finish her work. Upon arrival she meets her next door neighbor Gus… who is also a writer! They decide to switch genres, set up adventures, and try to cure each other’s writer’s block. The deal is that by the end of the summer they should be able to write each other’s genres.

After spending so much time together, having fun, and experimenting with new writing styles, a spark is ignited between the two. The key part that makes this novel stand out is the characters. The banter between the two of them is unmatched, and it feels like you know who these characters are in real life. I highly recommend checking out a spotify playlist curated specifically for this book while embarking on your reading adventure. It creates a great ambiance and helps you gear up for summer!!

Next Up: People We Meet on Vacation

With the end of the semester right around the corner, I’m sure you all are excited for the vacations scheduled for your summer. Poppy and Alex were best friends, and in the past, they used to go on vacation together once a year. But now, they haven’t spoken in years. Poppy tried to spark their friendship again and rekindle their once blossoming friendship. She decides to plan a vacation for the two of them.

However, it doesn’t start like the others. Awkwardness fills the scenes as they meet up for the first time in years. You may be asking, “If they were best friends, why did they stop talking to each other?” Don’t worry! That answer is given in the book, but I will not be providing any spoilers for you. I will, however, tell you that it can be a little overwhelming. Second chance romance is the trope of this novel.

The setting of this book is perfect for a beach bag trip as well. The development of the characters truly stands out from beginning to end. The timeline between past and present is also a stand out factor for this novel. I highly recommend giving this book a chance to get you out of a book slump or a winter slump!